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Ce bac s’appelle Dieng, nom d’un plateau indonésien qui m’a marqué. Je voulais rendre un hommage à l’Indonésie, que j’ai pu commencer à découvrir pendant un mois en 2011. J’ai été touché, que ce soit par les rencontres que j’y ai faites ou les paysages que j’ai pu observé. Je me suis inspiré des cultures en terrasse dans les montagnes, des bords de mer et de la jungle. J’ai voulu des zones d’obscurité et des puits de lumière.


This tank is called “Dieng”. It’s the name of an Indonesian plateau which stuck me. I wanted to make a tribute to Indonesia that I have discovered during one month in 2011. I was touched either by the meetings I have made or the lanscapes and scenery that I have seen. I was inspired by terrace cultivation, seashores and jungle. I wanted to create dark places and skylights.


Tank Size: 91 x 41 x 50 cm (35.8 x 16.1 x 19.7 in)

Volume: 187L (49.4 gallons)

Background: Philips 865 : T5 4 x 39 w + T8 1 x 36 w


Filtration: Aquadisio 700l/h

Additional Information

Fert : 2 ml / day of solution A and 4 ml / day of solution B. Solution A: 1/7 truffaut greening anti chlorosis + 6/7 ghe b’essantial Solution B: 250 ml of osmosis water + 14.7 g + 16.3 g K2SO4 KNO3 KH2PO4 + 1.5 g + 10.2 g MgSO4

Old 2 kg pressurized bottle 1 bps injected in the filter’s inflow thanks to a gardening T

Plants:Ceratopteris thalictroides, Pogostemon erectus, Pogostemon helferi, Ranunculus inondatus, Hydrocotyle tripartita, Heminathus micranthemoides, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Blyxa japonica, Staurogyne repens, Hydrocotyle verticalata, Microsorum pteropus split narrow leaf, Bolbitis heudelotii, Glossostigma elanoides, Riccia fluitans, Fissiden fontanus, Mini moss, Taiwan moss, Spiky moss, Creeping moss, Riccardia chamedryfolia

Fish/Animals : Caridina cantonensis var black crystal, var red crystal, Neocaridina heteropoda var sakura, Caridina multidentata, clithons, Physea, melanoides, planorbidae


Ranked 171 at IAPLC 2012 and 3 at CAPA 2012.

© French Aquarium Creation Team

La Faille

Je me suis réveillé un matin avec une idée fixe en tête, une faille omniprésente surplombée de végétation, c’est l’histoire de ce bac

I woke up a morning with an image in my mind, a hole in a cliff, this is the story of this tank


Tank Size: 30 x 30 x 30 cm (11.8 x 11.8 x 11.8 in)

Volume: 27L (7.1 gallons)

Background: 2 x 11 w nano lamp

Filtration: eden 501

Additional Information

Fert : When I think about it, or depending on the plants observation, Mixture of 1/7 truffaut greening anti chlorosis and 6/7 of ghe b’essantial.


Co2 : 500g refillable bottle. Injection by inline atomizer before the filter’s outflow

Plants:Hydrocotyle tripartita, Eleocharis parvula, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Riccardia chamedryfolia, Fissiden fontanus, Plagiomnium cf. affine, Riccia fluitans (stuck in HC), traces of other mosses.

Fish/Animals : Caridina cantonensis var tiger red, Neocaridina heteropoda var rili, clithons, physeas, planorbidaes, melanoides.


Ranked 3 at CAPA 2012.






Tank Size: 55 x 41 x 50 cm /p>

Volume: 100L

Filtration:eheim 2213

Additional Information

Co2 : 1b/s

Plants:1) Microsorum ‘Trident’ 2) Hottonia palustris 3) Ludwigia sp. 4) Alternanthera ‘Rosanervig’ 5) Bacopa ‘Compact’ 6) Limnophila hippuridoides 7) Hemianthus callitrichoides 8) Vesicularia ferriei ‘Weeping moss’ 9) Riccardia chamedryfolia

Fish/Animals : Neocaridina heteropoda var red, Paracheirodon Simulans, caridina multidentata, clithons, physeas, planorbidaes, melanoides.

C’est un bac que j’ai monté dans le but de “tester” des plantes. L’idée de départ, avec une configuration du hardscape en triangle a beaucoup évolué au fil de la vie du bac.
A la base il y avait une colline surplombée d’un arbre, puis plus bas un arbre mort au dessus d’une rivière. Puis cela s’est progressivement transformé en une jungle colorée mais avec une entrée sombre laissant divaguer l’imaginaire.

thym thym thym


Un déménagement, l’aquascaping en attente, l’impatience, un petit bac pour patienter

A moving, aquascaping in wait, impatience, a small tank to wait

Tank Size: 30 x 30 x 30 cm (11.8 x 11.8 x 11.8 in)

Volume: 27L (7.1 gallons)

Background: 2 x 11 w nano lamp

Filtration: eden 501

Additional Information

Fert : When I think about it, or depending on the plants observation, Mixture of 1/7 truffaut greening anti chlorosis and 6/7 of ghe b’essantial + easy carbo.

Plants: Eleocharis sp mini, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Hemianthus Micranthemoides, Bolbitis Davalia sp, Bucephalandra Lamadau, Riccardia chamedryfolia, Fissiden fontanus, mosses collect in nature.

Fish/Animals : physeas, planorbidaes, melanoides, heteropode var. orange, pseudepiplatys annulatus. 

Ranked 3rd at AGA 2013 ;  1st at GAPLC 2013 ; 3rd at CAPA 2013


Un peu de vin, une idée, une envie…

Some wine, an idea, a desire…


Tank Size: 120 x 50 x 55 cm (47.2 x 19.7 x 21.7 in)

Volume: 330L (87.12 gallons)

Background: Philips 865 : T5 8 x 54 w + 3 x 1 w led submersible

Filtration: 2 x 1500l/h extern

Additional Information

10 kg pressurized bottle 2 bps injected in the filter’s inflow

Plants:hemianthus callitrichoides, bucephalandra sp, cryptocoryne parva, staurogyne repens, hydrocotyle verticillata, microsorum pteropus sp. trident, hemianthus micranthemoides, bolbitis heudelotii, anubia barteri nana, myriophyllum hippuroides, penthorum sedoides, riccardia chamedryfolia, weeping moss, java moss.

Fish/Animals :caradina multidentata, heteropoda var red, ramirezi

Ranked 421 at IAPLC 2013 ; 2nd at GAPLC 2013 



Tank Size: 120 x 50 x 55 cm (47.2 x 19.7 x 21.7 in)

Volume: 330L (87.12 gallons)

Background: Philips 865 : T5 8 x 54 w 

Filtration: 2 x 1500l/h extern

Additional Information

10 kg pressurized bottle 2 bps injected in the filter’s inflow

Plants:hemianthus callitrichoides, hemianthus micranthemoides, hydrocotyle tripartita, hydrocotyle verticillata, bucephalandra sp, ceratopteris thalictroides, anubia nana, echinodorus tenellus,cryptocoryne parva, vesicularia ferriei, riccardia chamedryfolia, microsorum pteropus trident, penthorum sedoides, rotala butterfly, rotala sp, cryptocoryne costata brown, bolbitis heudelotii, vésicularia ferriei.

Fish/Animals :Paracheirodon simulans, paracheirodon innesi, parotocinclus haroldoi, microgeophagus ramirezi, caridina multidentata, neocaridina heteropoda.

Ranked 37 at IAPLC 2014 ; 9th at GAPLC 2014 ; top 10 at AGA 2014 ; 3rd at CAPA 2014 ; 1st at CBAP 2014



Un peu de vin, une idée, une envie…

Some wine, an idea, a desire…

Sakura's temple

Tank Size: 30 x 30 x 30 cm (11.8 x 11.8 x 11.8 in)

Volume: 27L (7.1 gallons)

Background: 2 x 11 w nano lamp

Filtration: eden 501

Additional Information

500g pressurized bottle 1 bp4s injected in the filter’s inflow

Fert : Tropica plant grow specialised fertiliser and Tropica plant grow premium fertiliser + easy carbo

Plants : hemianthus callitrichoides, riccardia chamedryfolia

Fish/Animals : Neocaridina heteropoda var. sakura 

Ranked 7th at GAPLC 2014 ; 3rd at CAPA 2014 ; 1st at scaper's tank contest 1st stage West.





Tank Size: 60 x 30 x 36 cm (23.6 x 11.8 x 14.2 in)

Volume: 65L (17.1 gallons)

Background: ADA Aquasky 601

Filtration: 500 l/h extern

Additional Information

10 kg pressurized bottle 1 bp3s injected in the filter’s inflow

Fert : Tropica plant grow specialised fertiliser and Tropica plant grow premium fertiliser + easy carbo

Plants : hemianthus callitrichoides, anubia nana,cryptocoryne parva, riccardia chamedryfolia, penthorum sedoides, cryptocoryne costata brown, vésicularia dubyana, cyperus helferi, cryptocoryne wendtii, cryptocoryne wendtii tropica, ranunculus inundatus, fissidens fontanus.

Fish/Animals : Caridina multidentata, neocaridina heteropoda, hyphessobrycon amandae

Ranked  4th at CAPA 2014




Aquagora Aquascaping Experience

Tank Size: 45 x 36 x 31 cm (17.7 x 14.2 x 12.2 in)

Volume: 50L (17.1 gallons)

Background: 1x24w

Filtration: 360 l/h extern

Additional Information

10 kg pressurized bottle 1 bp3s injected in the filter’s inflow

Fert : Tropica plant grow specialised fertiliser and Tropica plant grow premium fertiliser + easy carbo

Plants : Eleocharis sp. mini, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Micranthemum sp. Monte Carlo, Utricularia graminifolia, Cryptocoryne x willisii, Cryptocoryne parva, Riccardia chamedryfolia, China moss, Mini weeping moss, Bolbitis heudelotii Mini, Fissidens fontanus

Fish/Animals : Neocaridina heteropoda var. Sakura, Danio margaritatus

Ranked  3 at scaper's tank contest 2nd stage.




Peaceful Life

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